Undergraduate Computing Degrees – Where do I find more information?

Many sites exist and many provide good information. We list a few that are either connected to professional organizations or have overall high quality of information.

  • The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) is  a highly respected professional computing organization. It  provides one of the most informative and complete  sites on computing degrees.
  • NCWIT is the National Center for Women in Information Technology. Its excellent resource page allows one to select a target audience. Selecting Outreach and K-12 shows resources for increasing diversity in computing as well as excellent material for a general audience. 
  • Computer Science Degree Hub contains interesting material not found on other sites. In particular,  the FAQ section  may be helpful to some teachers. The people stories may motivate high school students and could be used for a class project.
  • Careers with Code is an Australian website on Careers in Computing fields. The pages on college degrees are less relevant for a student in the US.
  • What Can You Do With a Computer Science Major is a section on Computer Science of a general college search site.
  • BigFuture is a site related to the College Board. We find it difficult to navigate and information is of mixed quality.

There are quite a number of for-profit sites.  Some provide reasonable information, but others provide misleading and incomplete information. It can be difficult for a teacher, a parent, or a student to recognize such sites.  For example, look at MyMajors. The site  offers a quiz and immediately asks one the set up an account. Looking at the content, it  lists majors that don’t exist in accredited institutions.  It has many of the characteristics of a for-profit site.